If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to email us at fachschaft.informatik@uni-rostock.de

Or visit one of our FSR meetings.

You can find more information about the student council here


Dodgeball Tournament

It’s time for you to represent the Computer Science department in an epic dodgeball tournament! On June 8th in the gym at Justus-von-Liebig Weg 3, we will be playing against teams from the Biology, Chemistry, Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Physics departments.
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GameJAM in Rostock: ProJAM💻

Make a game during the project week This year too we want to give you the chance to program an application during the project week, but this year you should come up with a video game.
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Professorship 📚

Are you still looking for a student job, a topic for a student project or have you always wanted to know what happens in the working groups?
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There are currently no events.

About Us

The student council for computer science represents more than 1000 computer science students at the University of Rostock. They are the student body of computer science and can vote for a maximum of 21 from amid them to be their student council.
The student council aims to be every computer science students first approach in case of questions and problems regarding their study and supports them with an exam archive and various advisory services and events throughout their studies.

Learn More

Past Events


Albert-Einstein-Straße 22
18059 Rostock
Room 139 (student room)
in the Konrad-Zuse-Building
OSM | Google Maps


Or write us on social media!

Student council meetings are held regularly during the semester.
If you want to attend just write us a mail!