FSR Mascot competition

The FSR-Informatik is looking for a new mascot and you can help us find it! If we decide in favour of your mascot design, you could even win a prize.

What do I have to do?

We want an otter as our new mascot, but we don’t have the artistic talent. And that’s where you come in! Express yourself artistically and show us your design. Either digital or analogue, we don’t care.

What are the requirements?

To win the prize, you must be a student at the University of Rostock (but of course we accept all entries). The otter should be in the foreground or be the main component of the entry. The image size should be at least DIN A5 analogue and the following file formats should be used for digital submissions: png, pdf, jpeg, svg. The otter should not be anthropomorphised, i.e. normal otter face, no human activities with the exception of T-shirt and cap (possibly FI logo). The mascot should be recognisable as an otter. The face is fully visible. The colour scheme should be based on nature.

When is the closing date?

The closing date is 12.04.2024.

Where do I send my drawing?

You can either send it to us digitally by email to: fachschaft.informatik@uni-rostock.de or you can drop it in our letterbox on floor 1 of the Konrad-Zuse-Haus opposite room 163.

How do we decide the winner?

We will decide at a public meeting of the Computer Science Student Council, which you can also attend. What happens if I win? You will receive €50 from us as a prize and your design will be used by the FSR-Informatik with your consent. We want to use your drawing as the basis for our mascot in digital form (if you submit an analogue entry, we will find a solution to digitise your drawing). If you have any questions, you can simply send us a message via e-mail or Insta or visit us in the student council room (room 139 Konrad-Zuse-Haus).


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