GameJAM in Rostock: FischbrötJAM 2 💻

Kick off the new semester by creating your own video game!

Did you dream of creating your own video game since holding a Game Boy in your hand for the first time? Perhaps while holding a Fischbrötchen in your other hand? Then feel free to join the FischbrötJAM!


Don’t worry if you still lack GameDev experience: FischbrötJAM might just be the Game Jam to get you started! Maybe you want to give the Godot Game Engine a try? Godot relies mainly on its own scripting language GDScript, which is very similar to Python and easy to understand. And the best thing: Godot is totally free and open-source! We also provide an example project to get you started!

Connect online and build a team!

Just like a Fischbrötchen is neither just fish or bread, video games also require a variety of ingredients. A good game requires scripts, sprites, music and a story to bring everything together. Join our Discord server and build a party of programmers, artists, composers and story writers - that way, you can gain experience points together!


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